Join Us in Our Mission to Professionalize the Pet Industry Through Ethics, Consumer Protections and Professional Competency

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About Pet Industry Advocacy International

The Pet Industry Advocacy International (PIAI) believes there is a need for a high level of oversight in the pet industry across all professional disciplines. Licensing has been a proposed option, but licensing without a strong underlying ethical code of conduct and a minimum standard for knowledge and skills of service providers does not provide the minimum requirement for protection and level of service needed by pet owners and their pets.

There is a prevalence of individuals who hold no credentials, formal education, knowledge, or skills, yet who are today working across the world with full responsibility for the well-being and welfare of their unknowing clients' precious pets, is no longer considered acceptable. Compounding this, there is also a significant lack of consumer protection and transparency across the marketing and operations platforms of many pet service businesses, leaving pets and their owners in peril.

In the pet industry there are also inherent challenges with how pets are legally classified and there is a lack of reporting of animal cruelty. This variability of how animal cruelty laws are enforced means there is insufficient protection for pets and their owners when it comes to holding professionals accountable for their methodology, approach, and philosophy toward their craft and toward the people and animals they serve.

PIAI vision

PIAI believes that the pet industry worldwide needs increased regulation, oversight, and adherence to policies and procedures and best practices as applied to:

  1. The delivery of and adherence to, professional ethics of a similar and high standard such as those applied in the behavioral sciences and the medical profession.
  2. Transparent and honest operational policies that protect the end-user and the consumer, from fraudulent and deceptive operational and marketing practices. 
  3.  The concept of professional competency, skills, and knowledge of practitioners.

PIAI mission 

To achieve this, we seek to develop a coalition of pet professional organizations who agree to implement and hold pet professionals accountable for key, critical to success, best practice policies for all pet professionals by:

  1. Establishing an extensive alliance of organizations that agree to humane, ethical and transparent business practices within their organizations. 
  2. Collectively working towards a ‘Gold Standard’ of knowledge and skill requirements for practicing professionals across all sectors. 
  3. Lobbying for industry oversight using a coalition of ethical, humane and empathetic professional organizations engaged at a state or national level.

About the coalition

The Pet Industry Advocacy International (PIAI) believes there is a need for a high level of oversight in the pet industry across all professional disciplines. Licensing has been a proposed option, but licensing without a strong underlying ethical code of conduct and a minimum standard for knowledge and skills of service providers does not provide the protection and level of service needed by pet owners and their pets


Address: 2609 N Forest Ridge Blvd #179Hernando, FL 34442

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